You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.
Book chapters
Synthesis and Monitoring of Complex Tasks for Heterogeneous Robots in an Industry 4.0 Scenario
Francesco Trotti, Eros Ghignoni, Riccardo Muradore
Intelligent Autonomous Systems 17: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference (IAS-17), pages 737-749
Springer, 2023
Conference publications
An online path planner based on POMDP for UAVs
Francesco Trotti, Alessandro Farinelli, Riccardo Muradore
2023 European Control Conference (ECC23)
A Modified Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm Embedding a Collision Avoidance Module
Francesco Trotti, Eros Ghignoni, Riccardo Muradore
2021 European Control Conference (ECC21)
A POMDP-based Approach for Autopilot Control of Aircrafts
Francesco Trotti, Alessandro Farinelli, Riccardo Muradore
62nd IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control (CDC23)
Should I stay or should I re-plan? A Monte-Carlo planning approach for flexible fleet control in Industry 4.0
Francesco Trotti, Alessandro Farinelli, Riccardo Muradore
IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems (IROS23)