About me
Hi, my name is Francesco Trotti, and I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Verona. I am supervised by Professor Riccardo Muradore and co-supervised by Professor Alessandro Farinelli, and my Ph.D. research is carried out in collaboration with Leonardo S.p.A.
My current research focuses on developing control techniques that integrate nonlinear control strategies with online reinforcement learning model-based algorithms. Additionally, my research is focused on designing control strategies for multi-agent systems, with a particular emphasis on the collaboration aspect of multi-agents.
The application of my research ranges from designing controllers for manned or unmanned fixed-wing sub/supersonic vehicles to controlling robotic manipulators or mobile robots.
My main research interests are:
- Advance nonlinear control systems
- Multi-agent and coordination system
- Online reinforcement learing model-based